Please read each question and circle the number of your response in the column to the
1. Do you request instructional materials from the 1 2 3 4
Media Center to use your classroom teaching?
1) frequently 2) sometimes 3) never
2. How often do you use instructional materials 1 2 3 4
from the Media Center in your teaching?
1) daily 2) weekly 3) monthly 4) less often
3. Is there an adequate amount of instructional 1 2 3 4
materials in your teaching field?
1) yes 2) no
4. Are the instructional materials you order from 1 2 3 4
the Media Center collection accurate and up-to-
date? 1) yes 2) no
5. Do you have the opportunity to assist in the 1 2 3 4
selection and evaluation of new materials?
1) frequently 2) sometimes 3) never
6. Have the instructional materials purchased 1 2 3 4
helped you meet your objectives?
1) yes 2) no
7. Are you informed of new instructional 1 2 3 4
materials added to the Media Center collection?
1) frequently 2) sometimes 3) never
8. Are the instructional materials you order 1 2 3 4
from the Media Center delivered when you
request them? 1) frequently 2) sometimes
3) never
9. Do you preview instructional materials 1 2 3 4
before you use them in your classroom?
1) always 2) usually 3) sometimes 4) never
10. Do you know what instructional materials 1 2 3 4
and services are available from the Media Center?
1) yes 2) no
11. Are you normally able to find the instructional 1 2 3 4
materials you need on the Media Center
computerized catalog or in the catalog?
1) always 2) usually 3) sometimes 4) never
12. Do you search the on-line catalog in your 1 2 3 4
building library for district instructional materials?
1) frequently 2) sometimes 3) never
13. Are the instructional materials available 1 2 3 4
for the dates you request them?
1) frequently 2) sometimes 3) never
14. Is the check out time for materials sufficient 1 2 3 4
for classroom use?
1) yes 2) no
15. When your building library doesn’t have 1 2 3 4
the information you need, do you:
1) go to another library 2) give up
3) ask another building librarian to order it
4) ask the Media Center for assistance
16. Do you request materials from the Media 1 2 3 4
Center for your own professional development?
1) frequently 2) sometimes 3) never
17. Does having a district Media Center help 1 2 3 4
you in your teaching?
1) yes 2) no
18. What material and services would you like to see added to the District Media Center?
19. Please list things you would like to see planned for the future at the District Media
20. Suggestions: