Teacher Evaluation of the Library Media Program

Please take time to answer the following questions about the library media program and technology issues, and return it to the library. Your responses will be used to improve our program.

Always - Sometimes - Never

1. The library media center offers me access to a variety of books
and periodicals with which I can supplement my instructional
Please list areas of need (on other side): _____ _____ _____

2. The library media center offers me access to a variety of non-
print materials (filmstrips, audio tapes, video discs, computer
programs) which adequately support and enrich my classroom
Please list areas of need (on other side): _____ _____ _____

3. The library media center offers enough up-to-date materials to
support my classroom program. _____ _____ _____

4. The library media specialist and I have cooperatively planned
lessons/activities for my students to do in the library.
_____ _____ _____

5. My requests for materials have received prompt attention.
_____ _____ _____

6. Collections of materials have been set aside at my request.
_____ _____ _____

7. I have a positive working relationship with the library staff.
_____ _____ _____

8. My suggestions for improving the media program have been
welcomed. _____ _____ _____

9. I have been asked for suggestions about the purchase of new
materials. _____ _____ _____

10. The library media specialist has kept me informed of new items
available for use. _____ _____ _____

11. I find the professional journals useful. _____ _____ _____
What would you like added?

12. My students need more instruction in information skills.
_____ _____ _____

If so, make specific suggestions (list on other side).

13. My students receive prompt and courteous help from the library
staff. _____ _____ _____

14. My students enjoy going to the media center.
_____ _____ _____

15. The media center is an attractive, relaxing place that is conducive
to learning/study for groups of all sizes. _____ _____ _____

16. Technology is successfully integrated into the library curriculum.
_____ _____ _____

17. I have been instructed in the use and operation of audio-visual
equipment. _____ _____ _____

18. Audio-visual equipment has been available when I needed it
If not, what equipment have you needed (list on other side)? .
_____ _____ _____

19. There is sufficient open library time for additional research and
other uses. _____ _____ _____

20. The library media center is an effective component of the total
school program. _____ _____ _____

21. At present, what features of the library media center are most
helpful for you and your students (list on other side)? _____ _____ _____

22. This year I have used the following either in my room or in the LMC:

_____ World Book Online Encyclopedia
_____ Other CD-ROM programs
_____ Grade Magazine
_____ Microsoft Works
_____ Netscape (Internet)
_____ LCD Panel (Projects what is on your computer screen onto a screen)
_____ Laser Disc Player
_____ SMART Board
_____ Scan-It (Projects what is on your computer screen into a TV)
_____ Scanner (Allows scanning of text or color graphics)
_____ Video Camera
_____ Xap-Shot Camera (Digital camera–can show picture on a TV screen)
_____ Other

23. Please use other side for any comments or suggestions you feel would be helpful for the library staff.